Military Latrine and Shower Shelters

CAMSS Shelters are made to handle any and all of the needs of the armed forces. The military shelter systems featured here make excellent military latrine and shower shelters for your personnel. Our shelters are made to withstand the even harshest elements, can be deployed rapidly when needed, and have been tested extensively in both laboratory settings and in the field.


Our standard small shelter the CAMSS 20Q provides familiarity while still being versatile enough to serve as a military shower or latrine shelter.

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20Q Lavatory

The CAMSS 20Q Lavatory package offers the military latrine you need in the Air Force Small Shelter.

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Due to its straight side walls, the CAMSS 20EX is our most versatile shelter, allowing full usage of available space.

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20EX Lavatory

Simplify your military shower and latrine shelter needs with the CAMSS 20EX Lavatory package.

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